Yes folks, it's like a rebirth here for No more stuffiness of any kind will be tolerated in any corner of the site (with a few rare exceptions where we still have to satisfy our ever-present legal system). Also, all songs in our catalog are officially free, and I don't plan on trying to sell them individually (from our site, anyway) any time soon. Also, in other big news that probably won't mean much to you, I have torn up the dreaded and restrictive "Download Agreement" of yore. Right now we're switching to an informal share-and-share-alike download agreement that encourages our listeners to share our MP3s with their friends as long as they don't sell them and as long as they allow us to take the credit for our work. No, it's not exactly Creative Commons, but I think that stuff is over-hyped anyway. We're friends, right? We don't need no steenkin' license! Anyway, enjoy the show, live long and prosper, and all that good stuff. --Benj |